Fall background

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

More mobility!

Well, Logan has been walking more and more the last few days. The most he takes is about 6-7 steps but he'll be doing more before long. I keep trying to get it on video but of course you can't make him do it when you want him to :-) I figure by the time I get back from my Switzerland trip he'll be almost fully walking. We'll see!

Clara is starting to pull herself all the way up to a standing position finally! The girl is so limber, I think she has to build her leg muscles up even more than the other two to control her flexibility. But now that she's pulling herself up she will be catching up quickly.

I think once Logan is walking more Nora will be shortly behind him as always. She gets a little freaked out when she's standing up because sometimes she forgets how to get down. But she loves to walk up and down the edge of the couch so I think she'll be taking her first steps soon too. She is also waving bye bye to everyone and she will blow kisses. SO cute!

We're not doing so hot with the table foods thing. they just aren't quite ready to go full table foods yet. In general they just aren't eating very well lately. But I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that they are teething now too. gotta get some weight on these babies!

Diaper rashes have been running rampid in our house lately. The poor babies, I think we are feeding them something that is not agreeing with them! So, I guess we'll have to try and pin point what that is.

Just realized that this weekend marks the year anniversary that we brought Nora home, which was all three of them finally home from the hospital! It was pretty scary bringing Clara and Logan home, but Nora was even scarier. The fact that her oxygen levels were plumitting a week or so before we brought her home we were scared to death. I just kept thinking "they wouldn't send us home if they didn't think it was ok". For God knows how long we would just constantly look at her to make sure she wasn't turning blue. That seems like so long ago, and our lives are so different today. Nora's heart condition is almost non-existant for the moment and if you would have asked us a year or so ago if we thought that would be the case we probably would have said no. God has blessed us in so many ways, and I truly believe in the power of prayer.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I guess we were crazy for wanting to go to the mall today with the triplets!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Logan pushing Nora on the Elmo plane

In the cabinets

Well Logan is opening all doors now! I have a cabinet set up with things that he can play with. He decided to actually crawl into the cabinet!

Clara apparently crawled on her knees for a bit today.  They are getting so big!

Nobody was interested in eating dinner really tonight. Not sure if there is a stomach bug or what. Hopefully they will catch up tomorrow!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Walk walk walk!

Babies are doing great. They are just progressing more and more every day and it's kind of making me sad. I am anxious to see them progress, but I don't like how quickly they are growing up. Logan took two tiny steps yesterday, so he's going to be running the halls any day now. Nora and Clara are not far behind him either. They are getting more and more brave every day!

Took them to Creve Coeur park today for a walk and that was nice. I think they enjoy getting out of the house. We were walking for almost 2 hours though and I think they were starved by the time we got home! So we went to bed a little later than normal tonight. We'll see how that goes tonight!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

1 Year Dr Check-Up

Well yesterday we went in for our 1 year check up with the pediatrician and all went well. Here's the stats:

19 lbs 13 oz - 10%
28.5" long - 25%

16 lbs 14 oz - 5%
29.5" long - 50%

18 lbs - 10%
30 1/4" long - 75%

So surprisingly Logan is the shortie! And Clara is tall like her mommy. Just add that to the list of things that make her more like me! Poor Logan, they say that he may be getting ready to go through a growth spurt, I hope so!

We got the go ahead to stop the formula and switch to whole milk. We'll be finishing up the formula we have, doing half and half and slowly transitioning them to 100% milk. So far so good, they seem to be responding quite well to the milk. He also said that he would like for them to be stricly on table food, no baby food, by 15 months. So we better get ourselves in gear!

All in all, he said that we are doing great with them. They are progressing quite well for being born 6 weeks early and he's very happy with how they're doing. Yay!

Nora seems to be teething now, she's quite crabby this weekend! I think I'll go and try to put them down for a nap!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

1st birthday

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Finally got all of our pics up on the photo site from the triplets 1st birthday party!

Had a good weekend. The kiddos stayed with Grandma and Grandpa Sanders last night and I'm sure they had fun. We'll be heading over to pick them up soon!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Well we survived the 1st birthday party! We had such a good turn out too. Thank you to everyone who came to help celebrate. It was a bit chaotic, but we got through it! Logan and Nora decided to sleep for the 1st hour of their party, but that's ok because then they were ready to go for the big cake eating and present opening! Nora did the best with her cake, she even crawled through it at one point! I will post a link to the pictures once I get all of them.

The triplets got lots of great gifts as well. We are all set on summer clothes, swimming suits, etc. thanks to everyone. My kiddos will continue to be as cute as ever in their stylin' new outfits! :-)

Found out that I am going to be traveling overseas for work the first week in April! I will be going to Ibach, Switzerland for a week to meet with the other internet managers for Victorinox Swiss Army. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. Very excited for the opportunity, but I have a feeling I will miss my babies like CRAZY! Thank goodness for video skype. Although I think I'll have to train my mom on using it since I will be 7 hours ahead of everyone here!