Fall background

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

We survived!

Christmas was awesome for us! We had such a great time at all of our holiday functions.

On Christmas Eve we went to Aunt Shaaron & Uncle Jerry's as usual. There was a lot of people there this year, it was great. The kids were very good all evening. They even warmed up to Santa! He earned their trust and after awhile Logan and Nora even sat on his lap! They got a ton of great gifts, the family (and Santa) was so generous!

On Christmas morning Santa had come to visit and there was a wonderful kitchen and grill set waiting for the kids plus a few other gifts. They love the kitchen/grill set and played like crazy. Santa did good!

After that we went to Grandma and Grandpa Sanders house for more presents. This photo says it all.

Then finally we went over to Aunt Megan and Uncle Dave's for Christmas. It was a nice evening with family and playing some games of Left Center Right (not sure if that's exactly the name).

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ready for Christmas!

Well this is a better picture than the one on Santa's lap! Mommy came home from work early today so we hung out before we had to go to our check up at the dr's. Everyone seems to be healthy and "back to normal". We got a vaccination that is supposed to help with ear infections and we will go back next week to get updated on the rest of our vaccinations, yay.

We are ready for Christmas!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

We love Santa!

Well we finally went to visit Santa and here's how it turned out! We went to Bass Pro to have it taken. We had to wait for about 30 minutes for Santa to get there which isn't too bad considering they said the weekend before the wait was 4 hours. They were angels the entire wait, not one of them acted up. We were 2nd in line, and the moment we walked up to Santa they started freaking out. I absolutely expected Clara to freak out, but didn't expect that much out of Logan and Nora. We also tried to take a family picture with Rob and I in it to see if they would calm down at all but that didn't really do much. I didn't buy that picture, I'll probably scan it and upload it.

Well, there's always next year I guess!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Fun at the breakfast table

Sometimes it's the small funny things that make a day start off good. My kids seem to be getting goofier and developing their own sense of humor. Of course, everything is monkey see monkey do!

Here's a funny short video on this subject!

Watch "Another glimpse into raising triplets" on YouTube

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Smarter and smarter

Well, they are getting smart. In order to see out of the window Logan stacked the stool on top of the plastic tote. Sigh. Nothing is safe anymore!