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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Could it be true?

It is something that I hate to talk about too much for fear that I will jinx it... But I do believe I am done with diapers! The girls have been potty trained for a while, and it finally clicked with Logan. For the past three nights we have successfully gone without pull-ups. So, I went to target today and for the first time in 3 years I didn't have to worry about whether we needed diapers. I figured this was a blog-worthy topic since I don't post much any more.

So, I estimate we have been diapering for 1,277 days
Around 5 diapers a day per child, so 15 total a day = 19,155 diapers
On average, I paid around $0.23 per diaper
Totaling our diaper investment to be around $4,400


Kinda crazy huh?