Fall background

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Fall Fun!

We went to Eckert's Orchard in Grafton on Saturday and picked apples and let the kids play in the play area.  It was pretty fun!  Nora and Logan loved going down the big slide (1st video) and the kids loved the animals (2nd video).  On Friday night we also went on a hayride with people from Faith Fellowship, that was pretty fun too except for the rain!  You can see all of the photos here.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Special day for Jake

Sunday September 30th was a special day for our cousin Jake, he was dedicated at church! Afterwards we all went over to Aunt Megan and Uncle Dave's house for lunch.

Here we are with our cousins that were there.
Clara, Jake, Logan, Nora, Brianna, Tori and Nick

Weight/Height Check!

We went to the doctor on Saturday for a weight and height check since the kids are so dang skinny!  Here's the stats:

37" tall (75th %)
25 lbs (10th %)

36 1/2" tall (50-75th %)
26 3/4 lbs (25th %)

36" tall (50th %)
26 lbs (10th %)

So, we aren't doing too bad on height but we got to get some meat on Clara and Logan!  Doctor says they look great though and they are developing wonderfully.  He couldn't believe how far we'd come from being little 2-4 pounders in the NICU to how grown up they seem today!  I agree!

Bad news is that they are all sick, and have been for about a month.  After the first round of antibiotics it did not seem to have gone away so we took them back to the doctor.  They were put on a stronger (and much more expensive) antibiotic for 10 days but by the time we went in for our check-up on Saturday they hadn't gotten rid of it and/or had caught something else.  Lovely!  So, we are now doing another round of amoxicillan.  I'm putting a lot more into our flexible spending account next year!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Pucker up ladies!

There's my boy isn't he cute? He was posing for some pics earlier for me. Those ladies better watch out when he gets older.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Me and Clara

I was trying to figure out my new phone last night.

I'm back... I hope!

I just realized how long it's been since I blogged and I can't believe it!  I really want something for my kids to be able to go back and read so they know everything that I am sure I will forget to tell them!  So, I'm going to set a reminder for myself to blog at least once a week!

The kids have changed SO much in the last 6 months.  It's amazing how smart they are now and how many things they can do now.  I love it, but they are growing up too fast!

My latest issue is their beds.  They are starting to figure out how to climb on them.  No one is officially climbing out of their cribs yet, but they are doing just enough that they could fall and get hurt.  I know it's only a matter of time before one of them figures out how to get out all the time on their own.  So I'm sure toddler beds are in the near future for us.  Lord help us at bed time when this day comes.  They are getting harder and harder to put down for bed these days.  Nora is by far the best one when it comes to bed time.  Probably because she refuses to take a nap every day and she's exhausted.  Clara is ok, but she doesn't go willingly most of the time.  And Logan, well, let's just say he ends up in our bed 6 out of 7 days in the week and it's about an hour before we can get him to sleep.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

2 years old!

Ok so I'm a day late on their birthday post, oops!  And it's been awhile since I posted on here, I need to get better at it!  Gee, whatever do I do with all of my time??? :-)

Well, let me just start with what happened right after my last post.  We went to Chicago (Rob, Logan and I) for Rylan's 1st birthday party.  Nora and Clara stayed with my parents for the weekend.  Well, early morning on Sunday I had  gall bladder attack for the first time and ended up in the ER!  Then, ended up having it taken out up there.  So, needless to say that put a cramp in my style for a couple of weeks and I'm finally getting over all of that and back to normal.  Whew!

Over the weekend we had a birthday party for the kids at Deaver's restaurant here in Florissant.  It was great, and had a pretty good turn out.  The kids had a lot of fun and got a lot of great presents.  I'll be downloading my photos from the party soon and will post the link to the Picasa album when I do it.

Last night on their actual birthday we just got some pizza on the way home and had a little pizza party and ate some leftover cake from Saturday.  It was great.

I can't believe that they are 2 years old already.  2 years ago today I barely remember what was going on, it seems like so long ago, yet it seems like just yesterday that they were born.  They have come so far since then, and I never thought we would make it! LOL  They are the most precious thing in my life and I was so blessed to have them given to me.  I cannot imagine my life without them in it anymore and don't even want to think about it!  There are going to be MANY MANY challenges ahead of us, but I already know that it's worth every moment.


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Baby Jake Has Arrived!

Today was a great day!  My sister Megan delivered her baby, Jacob Russell, at 9:09am this morning.  He weighed 7 lbs 6 oz and was 20 inches long.  So exciting, I'm very glad to finally be an aunt!  Isn't he awesome?

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Bye bye!

Pretty funny video of the kids saying "bye bye" like they are going somewhere!

Laundry day

If anyone ever wonders what I do during nap time on the weekends it usually consists of laundry similar to what you see in the photo. As you can tell by the other pic, it is pretty much impossible to do laundry with 3 little ones around because they pretty much undo what you do. Laundry and Lifetime movies for a couple of hours, perfect Sunday.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Straight Jacket Jammies

Yep, the stripping has started!  More often then not we get Clara out of bed with absolutely nothing on.  So not too long ago we started putting her in her button up jammies... backwards.  This prevents her from taking them off :-)  They are called the straight jacket jammies. LOL


Logan Loves Nothing

Logan's favorite word right now is "no", obviously from this video.  Hopefully noone's feelings get hurt if their name is mentioned in this video LOL

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Great day!

Wow we had such a good day at home today!  I usually dread the days where we have nothing to do and just hang out at the house but today was great.  Everyone woke up in decent moodsd and somewhat ate a decent breakfast.  Then we went down into the basement and played for awhile.  After lunch everyone took good naps.  Logan was almost 2 hours and the girls both slept for about 3 hours!  So mommy and daddy got a bit of a break.  Of course, it was only to do laundry but that's ok.  then we played some more, had dinner, and went to bed.  Although it's 9:40 and I think I hear someone talking in their room, but as long as they go back to sleep it's all good. :-) 

I probably just jinxed myself.

Fun at the little gym

Yesterday Logan and I went to The Little Gym for a birthday party for Emma Brubaker. We had a lot of fun. Logan was pretty shy at first but he eventually warmed up and started playing. It is a pretty neat set up they have there. It makes me want to take each of them to something like this regularly. I will have to check out the price and see!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mommy sighs

Well, it's 8:30, kids are in bed, and I'm here trying to think about what to blog about.  The thing is, my days all just seem so normal to me and like they are nothing special.  But then I see other triplet mom's comments on facebook and their blog posts and then those of moms with just one baby and I realize that my crazy life is anything but normal :-) 

Our most recent challenge is staying healthy.  It just feels like we have been sick constantly since the beginning of September.  I've even bought some special shaklee vitamins to start giving them that I have been promised will help LOL  However, I can't get them to take them, go figure.  Tried it in yogurt, tried it in kool aid and tried calling them "candy" but have had no success.

Nora's new thing is saying "hello" to everyone and everything that she comes in contact with.  I leave the room to go to the bathroom and come back and it's "hello mommy".  I love it, it's so sweet.  Rob even gave her a piece of candy the other day and she said "hello candy" LOL  that's my girl!

Clara has developed a rebellious side.  Pretty much anything I tell her not to do, she continues to do it with a big grin on her face.  Time outs are not working with her, she just laughs and thinks it's fun.  Oh boy, I think I have my work cut out with her.

and these days with Logan, he's a different kid every day it seems.  One day he's a little devil and just antagonizes his sisters, the next day he's just crabby, and the next day he's a happy little boy and such a joy to be around.

They are going to be 2 soon.  I'm trying to figure out what to do for their birthday.  I just can't believe it's almost here!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

No heart dr for 2 years!

It's been a great day, despite the snow fall that mother nature decided to bestow upon us!  We took Nora to the cardiologist today for her annual check-up.  The doctor said he could hardly even hear her murmur anymore.  They went ahead and did an echo anyway.  You could tell that she wasn't really sure what was happening to her, but she was trying so hard to be a big girl.  The doctor said that there isn't any stenosis left.  His only concern before the echo was the possibility of leakage because of the balloon procedure she had.  Apparently it's likely that she has some slight leakage but he wanted to make sure there wasn't more.  But they didn't see any problems so we don't have to go back for 2 years now!  He did say that there was always the slight chance that leakage could occur since she isn't full grown, but he didn't really see a reason why it would happen.  So, we just keep our fingers crossed for the next check-up.  yay!

Monday, January 9, 2012

More, more, more!

Well, one of my resolutions, not that I really officially have any, is to try and blog more.  I want to get more detailed about our lives and what goes on every day.  I think that someday my kids will get a kick out of reading all of it and who knows maybe entertain everyone else.

Today, not-so-good for mommy.  Since September, we have all been healthy for ONE whole week.  Luckily, it was over Christmas.  However, I think Christmas is what got us in trouble!  Since Christmas, we have had fevers, running noses, awful coughs, vomiting, diarrhea, pink eye and many, many sleepless nights.  And that's not all the kids either.  Today I finally got the stomach bug that's been going around the house.  I think it's starting to subside a bit, but it was not pretty earlier!  So, I've been at home since about 10:30 this morning aching and having stomach cramps.  Which basically means I gotta stay away from my babies.  I hate it.  I just love their littl hugs and kisses and I ache for them when I can't have them!

So, don't have too much to share for today's adventures since I'm not having much contact with them.  I'm sure that Rob has something different to say about that.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Well it's been quite a week! I took off work all week for a vacation and wow has it been a crazy one. Kids are a bit over-stimulated so it's been challenging on the sleep front. You would think that the more they wear themselves out the better they sleep but it's quite the opposite! I have had a nice time away from work and spending time with the kids but I am looking forward to getting back into a schedule and starting off the new year! I am determined to make this a great year full of lots of memories. I'm ready to hit the "terrible two's" head on! :-)

Hope everyone had a great New Year's Eve celebration. Here's to a wonderful 2012!